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A pound (abbreviated as "lb" or "lbs" in English) is a unit of mass used in the imperial system of units, primarily in use in the United States and other countries that still retain this system. This term comes from 'pound-mass'. One pound corresponds to approximately 0.45359237 kilograms.
1 pound = 0.45359237 kg
On the other hand, a kilogram is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI). The kilogram is the only SI unit defined on the basis of a physical object: a platinum-iridium cylinder that is kept in the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in France. One kilogram corresponds to approximately 2.2046226218 pounds.
1 kg = 2,2046226218 pounds
In addition to the pound, there are other mass units that are often used in English-speaking countries, such as the ounce (oz), ton (t), and stone (st). The ounce is the smallest unit, with a pound equal to 16 ounces. A stone is a traditional British unit of weight mainly used to measure people's body weight, and it equals 14 pounds. A ton, on the other hand, is a size unit that equals 2000 pounds.
Although most countries use the kilogram as a unit of mass, there are still a number of countries, including the United States and the territories of the British Commonwealth (although not in the United Kingdom itself), where the pound is still widely used.
Pounds are often used in everyday contexts in countries where the imperial system is used. For example, people refer to their body weight in pounds. In commercial settings, food products and other goods are often expressed in pounds. Kilograms, on the other hand, are used worldwide and are the standard for almost all scientific and international applications.
Lbs | Kg |
1 | 0.45 |
5 | 2.27 |
10 | 4.54 |
15 | 6.80 |
20 | 9.07 |
35 | 15.88 |
40 | 18.14 |
45 | 20.41 |
50 | 22.68 |
55 | 24.95 |
60 | 27.22 |
75 | 34.02 |
80 | 36.29 |
100 | 45.36 |
200 | 90.72 |
300 | 136.08 |
400 | 181.44 |
1000 | 453.59 |
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