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The milliliter and deciliter are both units of volume in the metric system, which is used worldwide for most scientific, educational, technical and everyday applications.
A milliliter (ml) is a unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter. It is often used in recipes and to denote the capacity of smaller containers, such as medicine bottles or smaller drink bottles.
An example of an object with a volume of about 1 milliliter is a large drop, such as a drop of water.
A deciliter (dl) is a unit of volume equal to one tenth of a liter. It is used in some countries in recipes, but is less common in many other countries.
An example of an object with a volume of about 1 deciliter is a small glass, such as a tea glass or a shot glass.
There are 100 milliliters in a deciliter. This makes converting between these units simple: to go from milliliters to deciliters, you divide by 100.
1 milliliter= 0.01 deciliter
To go from deciliters to milliliters, you multiply by 100.
1 deciliter= 100 milliliters
There are many other units of volume in the metric system. Some of the most common are the liter (the base unit), the cubic meter (m³, which is equal to 1,000 liters), and the cubic centimeter (cc or cm³, which is equal to a milliliter).
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