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A hectoliter (hl) is a unit of volume in the metric system, often used in agriculture, notably in beer brewing and wine production. One hectoliter equals 100 liters, meaning it is a relatively large unit of volume. The term "hectoliter" derives from the Greek word 'hekaton', meaning hundred, and the French word 'litre', a unit of volume.
A liter (l) is a standard metric unit of volume often used for measuring liquids and gases. The term "liter" originates from French and was first defined in 1795 as a cubic decimeter. For instance, a liter of water roughly equals the volume of a cube with sides of 10 cm.
As mentioned earlier, one hectoliter is equivalent to a hundred liters. This means that you multiply the number of hectoliters by 100 to get the equivalent in liters.
1 hectoliter = 100 liters
Conversely, if you divide the number of liters by 100, you get the equivalent in hectoliters.
1 liter = 0.01 hectoliter
Here is a simple table showing the relationship between hectoliters, liters, and other metric volume units:
Unit | Equivalent in liters |
1 Milliliter (ml) | 0.001 l |
1 Centiliter (cl) | 0.01 l |
1 Deciliter (dl) | 0.1 l |
1 Liter (l) | 1 l |
1 Decaliter (dal) | 10 l |
1 Hectoliter (hl) | 100 l |
1 Kiloliter (kl) | 1000 l |
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