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Calculate VAT

Free Online VAT Calculator


How to calculate VAT?

To calculate the VAT amount and the amount incl VAT for an amount excl VAT, follow these steps:

Excl. VAT -> Incl. VAT

  1. Divide the VAT percentage by 100
  2. Multiply the result by the amount excl. VAT
  3. Add the result to the amount excl VAT to calculate the amount incl VAT.

Example: Amount excl VAT is $100, VAT percentage is 21%

  1. 21 / 100 = 0.21
  2. 100 * 0.21 = 21
  3. 21 + 100 = 121

The VAT amount is $21, the amount incl VAT is $121.

To calculate the VAT amount and the amount excl VAT for an amount incl VAT, follow these steps:

Incl. VAT -> Excl. VAT

  1. Divide the VAT percentage by 100, and add 1
  2. Divide the amount incl VAT by the result
  3. Subtract the result from the amount incl VAT to obtain the VAT amount

Example: Amount incl VAT is $121, VAT percentage is 21%

  1. ( 21 / 100 ) + 1 = 1.21
  2. 121 / 1.21 = 100
  3. 121 - 100 = 21

The amount excl VAT is $100, the VAT amount is $21.

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